This is a very depressing question. Only a few will understand this question. It takes a high level of intellect to fully fathom the depth of this question. There are end number of arguments that can prove this question right and not even one concrete reason that proves it otherwise. Lets look at the situation from a philosophical point of view, the baseline of every philosophy can be drawn out into two various branches either glorifying emotions or declining their existence. Glorification was mainly done during the times of French Revolution by Jean Jacques Rousseau or Voltaire. This involves considering human consciousness the upmost guiding principles of human endeavors. I can point out various flaws in this assumption. Human mind will choose the easy path since it is evolutionary designed to reject hardships. Important things will always challenge our current human potential. Anyways, stoics decline the importance of emotions. Be careful, I didn’t say “they decline the existence of emotions”. They just believe in controlling them. Now, this can be right in 80% of scenarios but of course it has its flaws. Now other philosophies include human evolution and sciences by Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin. I, personally am a big fan of Friedrich Nietzsche since his take on all this is a bit broad and practical but its not perfect. Philosophy is the study of one’s self or one’s world through the eyes of question, reason or values. That’s my description of philosophy. Quantum physics says that 90% of what we see around us is just empty space and that is actually true. See, we create our own world in our own minds. Even the things you believe are concrete like religion, organizations etc. merely exist in our collective imagination. If you and me and everyone forgets Christianity it will disappear. Math and psychology are two very vast topics in themselves but cannot be interpreted alone since they will lose their meaning. Math is just presumptuous numbers whose values can change with interpretation and will only become concrete when associated with reality. Psychology on the other hand uses human behavioral patterns to determine or explain human behavior. I don’t huge respect for all these branches of studies but I personally can’t explain the above question with any of the above theories without conflicting them with another. If you see on a grand enough timeline every atom disappears and universes die and then is information lost forever or changes form or change? We don’t really know. This question itself can become a stream where people try to prove this question wrong.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll stop working or anything just because everything is a lie. It isn’t, reality as we know now does exist but contradictions are always there. The more we try to go deep in this question we’ll only confuse ourselves. It’s better to just know these facts and leave the just to scientists, philosophers or people with a very high brain power like me.

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