Don’t go on the title but the message here is really important. As you all know how much I love gym and think about it. I’ve been getting incredible results because of my consistency and workout regime. Going to the gym isn’t my main job (at least as of now) and I don’t plan on professional bodybuilding or powerlifting as of now. Still I’m very good at it considering my age. Conservatively speaking, I’m in the 1% of physique under 18 (I’ve just turned 16). If I can be 1% in a thing I don’t even consider my main job then think what can I do in entrepreneurship which is by far my main thing. I’m not just bragging here. I’m saying that you need to go through life with this mindset, at least when you’re young. You just cannot be a loser in anything. I mean anything. You give me any task in this world and I’ll figure out to be above average in anything.

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