Reading books won’t just make you more knowledgeable but also open up your brain in ways you haven’t experienced before. It literally changes the composition of your brain in a positive way.

I read an interesting stats just now, it said that 85% of millionaires are self made and only 15% have inherited that money. When these millionaires were asked how did you do this all by yourself most of them said that reading books was a really really big part of it. Learning is a very big part of earning.

Therefore, this proves that reading books is extremely important. Now lets take a look on how to stay consistent with reading, which books to read and how to apply it in real life.

How to stay consistent with reading?

I’ll share some of my tips that I use to stay consistent with reading

  1. Set the time– Fix a time when you’ll just drop everything and just get into reading. It can be 30 minutes or 1 hour it doesn’t matter.
  2. Surround yourself with books– In my eyes, books are one of the most beautiful object other than money. If you surround yourself with them, it will attract you.
  3. Read what you want– Don’t force yourself to read something, we’ll cover this section in detail in a few minutes.
  4. Talk about books– Start talking about some cools things you learned from a book to your friend or anyone who reads.

No matter how many tips I tell you, the decision is on you to change your life was the better so go ahead, buy that book and read it.

Which books to read?

Don’t read fiction. At least not romance or suspense or anything related to that crap. Read finance, self help, startups, business, psychology, biographies and history. These topics will actually help you in the right way. You can read anything you want in non fiction. Just read with the purpose of educating yourself and not entertaining yourself.

How to apply bookish knowledge in real life?

There’s this interesting argument that says why should I read a book if I forget 90% what I read after 24 hours. Yes that true. However, whatever you read with focus stays engraved in your sub conscious mind. This will shape your character, values and even future.

You won’t become a millionaire by reading books but only by applying the knowledge. Therefore, learn how to find a healthy balance between consuming knowledge and applying it. That’s really powerful.

Even if you read something which you can’t apply directly, like maybe reading history. It’s ok my friend, at least you didn’t waste your time scrolling on your damn phone.

Thanks for reading.

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