What is competence bureau?

It is a group of like minded youngsters who are looking to improve in all dimensions.

What does it include?

1. A free course on self improvement which includes fitness, books, personality development and entrepreneurship.

2. An exclusive Whatsapp group with me and other members where you can share your daily progress, achievements, ask questions and grow together.

3. Courses on every single online business models you’ve seen and we’ll provide you one suitable for your needs. If you think that doesn’t work, well then its not for you. Everything works if you make it work.

4. Live events and webinars on productivity, growth and a space to discuss business ideas, books, gym etc.

5. Network with like minded high performing individuals.

This list is only going to grow as we continue.

Why me?

If you don’t know me, its my responsibility to make you understand why I am leading this group.

I started my own blockchain company at 14 and was already talking to Venture capitalists and the personal advisor of the Richest man in Asia at that time. I’m in great physical shape. I’ve read more books than any teenager. I wrote my first book at 15. I’m building Segmentize which is an AI powered investment platform with the mission to change India’s finances. I even scored 95% in my latest board examination. My interview came on starterstory in October 2023. And also I’ve big arms.

See I can tell you about myself all day long and you can either hate me for being so good or you can join us at Competence bureau.

I want to tell you I wasn’t like this before and its only in the past 6 months I’ve become one of the strongest 16 year old in the gym and in good physical condition.

I started with no guidance and I give a lot of credit to reading books for that. Therefore, I have all the experience to guide a youngster.

Unless you’ve done more than me at my age, you should join us and level up together.

There isn’t a single metric in human existence in which I cannot outcompete anyone my around my age. That’s the mindset I have.

Now, I know there are high performing teenagers like me but they are few and the whole point of this is to increase the number of teenagers who’ll win in there respective fields.

What will you achieve?

I can give you everything you need to be the strongest, the smartest and the most charismatic version of yourself but I cannot give you happiness since I don’t possess it myself.

This life comes with stress and pressure. Its not at all fun and joyful everytime.

Its going to hurt. Your peers might not understand you because for them life is only about going to a cafe and sharing their pic on social media.

I get all of it and I’ve been through that but I promise you this innate feeling of being literally better is just very unique.

Therefore only join if you are strong and willing to take action.

Subscribe to the Growth Newsletter for FREE and get emails from me that will help you become a better person. You’ll also be notified when we launch fully.

See you brother.

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