I believe that AI Software as a Service is the biggest opportunity of this decade and its still very early for entrepreneurs to get into it. Therefore, there’s a ton of opportunities.

B2B SaaS-

Recently, Aryan Sharma, a 19 year old Founder raised millions of dollars from Sam Altman for his company Induced AI. I believe there are into business automation using AI bots. This is concerning since this will definitely lead to job loss but since it will save business owners a shit ton of money. The opportunity is really big.

We don’t know how the economy will react to this automation in the future but I strongly believe that it won’t be as dramatic as many people claim.

B2B SaaS using AI is a very big opportunity. Why? Think about it. If you are a business owner. Would you prefer to pay humans whom you would have to deal with 24/7, they might fall sick and take leaves or simply they aren’t as efficient as these AI bots. In any of the cases, these not only make the lives of business owners less stressful but will be more pocket friendly too (As compared to traditional employees).

B2C SaaS-

Even B2C SaaS is a big opportunity but I believe its really difficult to crack if you don’t know what you are doing. Since we don’t exactly know what the customers needs, we need to be in touch with the customers on what do they think about our services. Also, its less lucrative. Of course, a business will pay more than any individual.

I don’t mean to say that B2B is easy or B2C isn’t profitable. Both are good. I believe if you are at that scale you should move into both the domains of SaaS. Though, not too early.

Even we at Segmentize plan to get into corporate finance and for the longest time I was confused if I should build that or a customer centric brand. Then I looked at my pros and cons and decided to go with B2C. Why I did that is a whole another topic but lets leave that for another day.

Thanks for reading.

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