If you’re tired of the traditional Push Pull Legs or Bro split then perhaps it is time for some change.

Arnold Split-

Then repeat the same for the next 3 days and Sunday is a rest day.

Why is it better?

I’ve been doing Arnold spilt for 2-3 months now and it was considerably better than Push Pull Legs and here’s why.

1. Push Pull legs does not allow proper growth for arms because it primarily focuses on chest and back.

2. Most importantly shoulders are not hit effectively since on push day, we are tired after hitting heavy chest presses and flies.

The above mentioned reasons are the reasons I switched to the Arnold Split because for me arms and shoulders are the most important muscle group.

Though, I’d like to say that my back gains better when I was doing Push Pull Legs. To counter this I perform Chest first on Monday and Back first on Thursday.

Please note that if you’re a beginner in the gym you can choose between Push Pull Legs and Arnold Split. I still think that Arnold Split is better but when you’re a beginner it doesn’t make much of a difference. Changing your split in a year or so helps to:

  1. Stay Consistent since there’s a chance
  2. Helps build more muscle since the body gets used to the same stimulus.

That was my take on the topic.

Keep Growing .



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