Everyone builds a team to get a certain task done. In this blog I classify various approaches and tell you what’s best for you and your business. Even if you don’t have a business I highly recommend you read this blog.

There could be 3 broad types of people that you can include in your team-

  1. Family, friends, connection or relatives (people you know)
  2. Freelancers and agency owners
  3. Professionals
  1. Mutuals

These are guys you somehow know. It could be a cousin, friend, social media mutual etc. As long as you know them for at least more than a month they fall under this category.

Now, these people aren’t professionals so only go for them if you can trust them 100% and they are willing to learn / work hard.

There are particular scenarios where you can go for mutuals. If the task isn’t very skillful or anyone can do it, you can assign them. Also, positions of management will be good since you can trust them at the start of the business.

Of course if they somehow specialize in a task and you need that exact skill set, it is great. Although, practically that rarely happens.

2. Freelancers and Agency owners

Freelancers and agencies are truly a great way to get a task done. These are skilled individuals or a team of skilled individuals that carry out a specific task for a specific amount of money.

I’d suggest you go for these if that task doesn’t include your core business activity. These include marketing, software, funnel development etc.

3. Professionals

Professionals are generally employee who have studied a particular subject in university.

Though, this is my least favorite ones. Since, if they are newly graduated the resource and training costs is too much for a small business. Also, they’d leave you for better opportunity any day.

However, if your business has fairly large valuation and cash in bank. These are the best people to focus on every segment of your business starting from the core to other activities.

Also if you pay them well and in some cases even small businesses should hire full time employees only when they have fairly good turnover.

Thanks for reading.

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