Have you ever tried something new but failed?

No I don’t mean like you tried your best and then failed. Rather you quit after few days. It could be starting an online business, going to the gym or even as simple as studying regularly.

The following blog is short but extremely powerful. I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and this concept comes from that book but I’ve explained it in my own way. I’ll write a review once I’m done with the book for sure.

What do I mean?

Become that person means to envision that person who you want to become. Example, being an entrepreneur. Will he sleep for 8 hours because he’s tired or he’ll finish his work before sleeping. What will a successful entrepreneur do? Of course he will work.

The thing is that we all know intrinsically what needs to be done in a particular situation to become the best version of ourself. The reason we don’t do it is because we cannot see the results of the work we put in.

What should you do then?

Listen to me, after being around this whole space, may it be fitness or business or growth. I can guarantee you, the amount of work you think is required is wrong. It’s always more or less. Therefore, you need to stop seeing from a goal oriented mindset. Rather focus on the systems. What you need to do to achieve that goal and keep doing it until you reach it.

Now to make this easier you need to start taking pride in your growth. If you like your arms (like me), you’re more likely to train them if more intensity and volume. Becoming that person means having that innate silent confidence within yourself that you are who you say you are and then meet that with those habits and systems.

Here you are, you’ll reach your goals one way or another now.

Keep Growing.



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