I know you have heard this advice 100s of time. To step out of your comfort zone. Then why aren’t you implementing it? We are here to struggle, no one’s story is going to be all bloom. On the contrary ups and downs makes a story interesting. You are never going to feel like doing anything consistently for a long period of time. Motivation could get you started but discipline will take you to new heights. I don’t feel like going to the gym everyday neither writing this blog right now nor studying nor building segmentize. But I still do all these. What else should I do? Be a loser? No! That’s not me. I have never been like that. There’s going to come a time in your life when you have to get to a level of pride that I need to be someone. I can’t be a loser. We will in a highly competitive world. Though for me the competition is very low because you guys can never in a lifetime be like me. I’m going to write some more blogs on this topic because its really important.

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