What does my future look like? What’s my life’s story? Am I even grateful?

Lets talk about these things today.


I can’t say about anything upwards of 5 years honestly because the person I am currently, if you compare me with who I was 5 years back is completely different. Although 5 years back I was 11 years old, I never thought I’d go on a journey to become who I know I’m going to become.

Right now, my main focus is to learn a high income skill and possibly build a marketing agency. I’ve been learning a lot from a course I bought recently about marketing and how I can monetize my marketing skills for other businesses and perhaps in future my own.

I’ve been going to the gym for around 1.5 years now and the day I give my CA Foundation exam (June 2025). I’d go ahead and start my personal brand around fitness, growth, entrepreneurship (basically a good lifestyle). And the brand isn’t going to be anything (read till the end to know what I mean). It will be extremely aesthetic and high dopamine content (I don’t like that but that’s what people like to see). I’ll share my physique, the businesses I’d be working on and mindset.

In reality, those are the 3 fundamentals of my life- business, physique and mindset.

I have committed to only 1 business model or skill for the next year so there’s little to no chance that I will fail this time having the right mentorship and community. Also, I love marketing now. Learning customer behavior, sales funnels, the skill of persuasion, branding, telling stories etc.


I consider I started my journey at 13 when I actively started reading books and looking for opportunities. It was awesome. I learned so much at that age and I was smarter than all my peers. I used to read about history, self development, business, biographies, science, communication skills etc. Sometimes reading one book per day.

From then on, I went on to create Metabasket. Thinking about Metabasket itself makes me emotional and reminds me of how much I loved that enterprise. I didn’t know anything in the real world at the time. All I had was bookish knowledge on how to build a billion dollar company.

You might laugh at that but I was very serious for a year that I’d change the course of the world at 13. Not kidding, I had plans with NFTs that could change your legal identification, art libraries, real estate, video games etc.

And the ambitious little chubby kid that I was. I went on to send emails to literally hundreds of HNIs (high net worth individuals) and guess what no one replied to a 13 year old kid.

I pitched my ideas finally to a Private Equity firm (can’t take the name) and almost received $100,000 at the valuation of $1,000,000 dollars.

Truth be told. Me getting the investment at that age was nearly impossible and its good that I didn’t get that because there would be no struggle. Honestly, I wasn’t street smart enough to lead a team at the time (though I did build a 4 person team). Can you imagine that? A 13 year old convincing highly skilled software developers to join his team in the hopes that he’d get investment money to pay them?

It was crazy. I remember the night I didn’t get the investment and then ended up building the whole website on my own. I was on top of the f*ckiing world. God I was ready to take on Meryl Lynch at the time.

I was stupid, it wasn’t anything big and died after exactly one year when all the bills came due. It was hell of a story though and I genuinely believe that history will remember this.


After that I didn’t stop but surely my irrational frenzy took a hit.

I wrote my book- Blockchain Mania.

I built an AI investment chatbot- Segmentize.

I was invited to IIT Bombay- for Entrepreneur’s Summit (I was the youngest there)

My interview came on StarterStory.

I got 95% in 10th (I don’t know if that’s a big thing or not though).

I’ve been going to the gym for 1.5 years consistently now.

All this is fine and I do believe that I’m special and no one is going to take my ego away from me. However, I’m now humble enough to know that there’s still many things I’ve not achieved. I’m not rich. Yet. That’s the biggest issue with my story right now and trust me I’m working the hardest I’ve ever worked in my life to make good money.


I’m so grateful for everyone who didn’t support me. You were the reason I started and the reason I grew exponentially.

I’m grateful for the innate fire that fuels me every single day to get better.

I’m grateful for all the people who are not in my life anymore. Honestly, my grind is way better than hustling with the drama but thank you for the memories and there’s only love in my heart for every one of you.

I’m grateful for every setback, you made me stronger. Otherwise, I’d still be the nerd who started Metabasket.

I’m so grateful towards my parents, thank you so much for allowing me to build myself and continue supporting me in my mission.

I wish everything turns out to be great in the future.

As always, I can see your efforts and I hope you make it brother.

Keep Growing.

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