Well you should be a gentleman all the time but I recently heard that one of my friends was abused verbally by her ex and it made me write this blog. I’m going to launch a self improvement course soon on how to be a gentleman soon so subscribe to the email list on the front page.

Lets get into it now. If you are reading this, I want it known that even the thought of writing this blog was obscene to me. I can’t understand how can you abuse or say anything to your ex?

I won’t get too personal but even I recently went through a breakup but I didn’t beg her or abuse her verbally because she hurted me, I was a man about. I tried my best to convince her and I still care for the girl but there’s no going back.

The point is that when a girl or boy for that instance leaves you, all you need to do is say goodbye and wish them the best. Go work on yourself and don’t look back

As I said earlier that I wrote this blog because one of my friends told me that she experienced this by her ex- boyfriend. I knew that guy and I lost all respect for him.

Anyways, you ask any of my exes or their friends. Any of them who know me as I am right now will say that he’s a great guy. I’m not saying that every girl is attracted to me (trust me many are) but they respect me. Now, some girls from my high school might hate me for being simply better or because I was a pretty naughty kid during high school. But apart from them, you ask anyone. I dare you, any girl. She’s going to say that he’s a great guy.

Now, I can get into my charm and confidence and the fact that I’ve worked for years on myself that’s the reason that not just girls but people in general who know me respect me. But let’s leave that for another day.

Remember, never ever try to get a girl back and always respect her physically and verbally. Always wish the best to her and don’t ever abuse her in any way.

Thanks for reading.

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