I believe today’s generation does not understand how confidence actually works. They tend to find more quick fixes rather than some long term tangible solution.

The reason I chose this image is to demonstrate a very important point. There’s nothing as fake confidence. If you are acting or faking confidence, then it is confidence.

People seem to take this in a wrong way though. Faking confidence sometimes is a different thing but you shouldn’t live in a delusion. Example- I faked confidence when I was pitching to a VC at the age of 14, doesn’t mean I was faking it throughout the year.

David Goggins said that the confidence you get from pure hard work and dedication is at a different level. I understand most of you reading this blog want instant tips on how to increase your confidence and I’m going to give you that but after that I’ll explain how to gain permanent confidence.

How to be confident today?

Now, there are certain tips I can give you in general to be confident but it won’t be nearly as effectively as just building yourself first then having confidence.

1. Walk up straight with your head high- Stop walking a chimpanzee and maintain a healthy posture.

    2. Speak loud and clear- Don’t mumble inside your own mouth, speak like a goddamn grown adult.

    3. Eye contact- This is a big one. I can’t tell you how much more confident you can be by just holding that eye contact.

    4. Move slowly- Don’t be in a rush or at least don’t seem too fidgety.

    5. Take up more space- When you increase your space, you naturally create an environment that you are the boss there which guess what, makes you more confident.

    (These were only few things that can go a long way in starting to be more confident, I’m going to add a few section on personality development in my course.)

    The long term approach-

    By doing the things mentioned above, you can easily feel confident. However, this should not make you think that you have everything. It should motivate you to work harder on yourself to prove that you are who you say and present you are. Of course, this can takes years and years.

    I, myself feel low sometimes but then I remember my past achievements and I feel a little bit better. Though, this isn’t very effective but it reminds me of my purpose and helps me go head.

    Thanks for reading.

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