Now this is a very unique question. Its obvious that no matter what you do some people won’t completely resonate with you or your work and that’s fine. I shared a reel on Instagram some months back and I consider it very inspirational. It goes like- interviewer to Elon: “What do you say to critics who say you can’t do this, your answer to them is?” Elon: “We have done it.” This was in the context of SpaceX. Anyways, coming back to the topic. When I started Metabasket my peers, teachers and even parents laughed me off. When I look back in retrospect, I notice that my dreams and ambitions were far- far beyond what they could even imagine. Leaving behind the fact that 99% people did not even know what I was doing. I am trying to make the point that people are very ignorant. Let me share one more example. I started going to the gym a month ago and my first few days weren’t great. I was confused how to perform certain exercises and when I performed them wrong, some guys use to laugh at me. Most people would quit in here but I never will. I go to the gym every single morning and ironic as it may sound now they are my buddies in the gym. I am not saying that you should stop caring what people say rather you should just keep working on yourself. There’s a difference between the two. If you say that you don’t care what people say about you, then you’re thinking about them only, just saying that you don’t care is not good enough. Performing irrespective of situation is the key. To avoid any confusions I’ll like to mention one very important thing. When people call you suppose “fat””, it may mean that you’re indeed fat and you need to hit the gym. If people call your service or product “bad”, then it might be bad. There’s nothing to feel bad about it. See it as an opportunity to improve and work. Of course some of this analysis is healthy and some isn’t but its the only way to grow. To sum it up, don’t get upset with critics. If they have a point then you should definitely work on it. However, that doesn’t mean that you are doing this to please them. You are doing this for yourself. I, personally cut off all connections to these people but I still improve. Also, if their words are absolute nonsense, just let them say whatever helps them sleep at night. You are not answerable to anyone but yourself.

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