People like me, people who have high ambitions and who work hard towards their goals always have this feelings of high level of stress which can translate to a number of things but I won’t get into that.

Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create tough times

Maybe you feel like life’s difficult or that something bad happened. I understand that. Trust me, there’s not a pain I haven’t went through at least once. You can have family problems, maybe your girlfriend broke your heart, your new business might have failed or anything. I understand that pain. I live through that every single day but I still get up do my pushups, go to the gym, write blogs, work on segmentize and try to create a good impact on the world.

There will be sometimes when you’ll break down, if you aren’t breaking down you aren’t doing enough. I’ve so much going in my mind about business, my future and how I want to create history that my brain literally hurts. Many people would call all this unhealthy at this age. You can either be a loser or a winner. That’s the game.

I’m not being unempathetic but there are somethings you need to clear inside your mind. You get hurt numerous times in your lifetime and you need to say “give me more pain”.

Working hard is the only escape from pain. Success is the only revenge. So get after it and whenever you breakdown really bad, give yourself few minutes and feel the pain but then get right after it again.

Thanks for reading.

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