What is E Summit?

In short, every year Indian Institute of Technology Bombay organizes a Entrepreneurs Summit with a broader mission to encourage entrepreneurship country wide.

There are various events like pitching area, networking lounge, workshops etc.

The main highlight are the people who are present there. Notable entrepreneurs, politicians and celebrities from across the globe come here to inspire the students.

My Experience-

I went to Bombay specifically for this event. Of course as you know IIT Bombay is one of the most prestigious college in the entire world so it was a very exciting experience to enter the campus itself.

I attended various workshops from many Founders in industries like finance, export, fintech, Ev, logistics etc. Honestly, at first I was very confused but as the event progressed everything was going on smoothly.

I’d highly recommend anyone to attend it next year if they are or wish to be an entrepreneur and to do something BIG in life.

One of the key takeaways for me personally aside from the business ideas and networking was that its the people and not the college or place that make it great.

I mean that every guy at IIT Bombay was a fabulous person within. All the Founders and Mentors gathered because it was IIT.

I think everyone needs to understand that their are high quality people who are grinding and achieving every single day. Now, I know most of our who are aspiring or working towards success doesn’t yet have a community of these people. That’s why I chose to be alone most of the time.

Also, to address this issue I came up with the idea of “Competence Bureau” (coming soon), which will be a community of high performing youth.

All in all, it was a very good experience and I learned a lot from each and every one of them over there.

I’ll go to E Summit next year too, so if you are planning to go there hit me up and we can meet up there are some time.

Keep Growing.

(P.s- The food and canteens at IIT Bombay were amazing too)

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