I’m seeing a lot on the internet nowadays that people are calling self improvement a scam. It’s ironic because the those same people are where they are as a result of self improvement. I do understand the specific point they have and we’ll talk about it in this blog.


Self improvement is a scam for you only if all you do is watch similar content on the internet but take absolutely zero action upon it.

Of course this doesn’t mean you need to be 100% consistent all the time. That’s not possible but keep your expectations high from yourself.

The Truth-

The truth is that if you immerse yourself into this niche. You’ll become a better person given that you are willing to change and take action.

I started when I was around 13-14 and it wasn’t a conscious decision and I’ve grown a lot since and now that we are entering a new year (2024). I want to officially take this on as a lifestyle and not skipping a single day.

However, you do need to start slow.

Therefore, it is proved that it isn’t a scam.

Thanks for reading.

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