If I had to summarize this blog in one line then it will be… Never stop learning, NEVER, period.

There is so much to learn, you can not even imagine. You should always try to improve your knowledge and self no matter how much you think you know. I can factually argue that I have more knowledge than 90% of human population. But the top 10% is the toughest space. So I keep reading, learning from different people (mostly Founders) and consuming loads and loads of data. Now many people argue here that your brain shouldn’t be used to store data rather it should produce ideas. Tell me, can a empty or nearly empty brain produce great ideas? I think not. The actual answer to this question is balance. You should gain knowledge and also implement it. I actually once thought that I know everything and that is bad. Though I have immense amount of knowledge and understanding of how the real world works at this young age. I believe that once you start to think that you are full of knowledge, there’s no scope of getting more. You stop listening to people, start acting arrogant. I recently met a Founder from South India in a workshop. Though his startup was technically better than everyone, his humility and desire to learn from all of us was mind blowing. I have a phrase on my wall that says, “I know” is the enemy. This is one of the most difficult traps to mind for all brilliant minds so that they can continue to grow.

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