What is Success? Is Material Success the only success? If I failed, can I still get some points for at least trying? Does success mean winning? Let’s look at this…

Success according to me is getting something right. Anything. Well I’m an entrepreneur, so for me seeing my startup succeed is success but what I’m building in itself, if it’s made, I’ll consider it success because no one dared to build it before me. Nevertheless, let’s consider my last startup Metabasket. I loved it with all my heart and my soul. It failed apparently. So can I consider it a good try which will be something somewhat close to success. In my case, a yes and a no. Yes, it’s impressive how I did whatever I did to build it (won’t show off) but the truth is it didn’t work out. So I guess No. It depends on your perspective. Material success is of course a direct sign of success only if it wasn’t ancestral. Winning and success aren’t the same always. I mean it can be same but not necessarily.

You know, the conclusion is still that it’s ok to fail. I respect that you at least tried but winning has to be your primary goal. With that said, go and earn that success for yourself for everyone’s definition of success will differ.

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