
In one line-

In one line, the book is a classic bible on how to make, keep and grow your wealth and happiness.

Key notes-

Basically, the book has Three Key Messages:

First, start living below your means and save.

Second, learn to seek advice from experienced men.

Third, make money work for you and multiply your wealth.

Now, let’s dive into some important concepts from the book:

The book emphasizes a lot on the concept of savings and controlling our expenditure but also pushes us to create multiple income stream by investing in safe assets. “A man’s wealth is not in the coins he carries in his purse; it is in the income he buildeth, the golden stream that continually floweth into his purse and keepeth it always bulging.

I really liked how the author just didn’t focus on building wealth but advised us to become better skill wise, knowledge wise and health wise.

It is also a motivating book that encourages us take action. In one of the chapters, the author concludes that the Goddess of Luck favors only those who take action.

Every man should at least save 10% of what he earns.

Only invest in areas where you have an underlying understanding to prevent ourselves from scammers since you need to understand that this is your own hard earned money.

At last, the book also conveys the message to have a layer of financial security for our loved ones and to be cautious but disciplined with our investments.


In my personal review I’d rate the book 3/5 since I’ve already read a lot of books on personal finance and it didn’t provide much of extra value to my existing knowledge. However, if you are a beginner. This book will help you a lot. Overall, good book. Definitely give a thought to the concepts mentioned above even if you don’t read the book.

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