~From the Founder of Metabasket

Hello Reader,

I am Vedant Verma, the Founder and Chairman @metabasket.store . I officially became an entrepreneur roughly a year before (April 2022). Since then, I have been on a rollercoaster ride, swinging from up to the bottom and then back to work again. I’ve talked to many venture capitalists, have held meetings with some, was close to raising $100,000 at the valuation of $1,000,000, have personally been associated with many blockchain developers from across the globe who applied for jobs at Metabasket. However, the paradox is that I’ve travelled intensively for business purposes but also felt directionless and willing to quit. At the age of 14, I had achieved a lot (or at least I thought it was a lot). Now, that I’m 15 and am almost on the same level as after September 2022. My initial enthusiasm was mind-blowing. There used to be a time, I’d have meetings daily with IITians and MITians/ blockchain developers. But there was also a time when I didn’t work on my company for weeks and was on the verge of quitting. In the past 1 year, I have had enough experience to share the truth about entrepreneurship.

In this blog today, I want to tell the world about the real side of entrepreneurship from my experience. Sure, there is glamour and monetary rewards in this profession but I’d like to share with you the late night calls, the crying after failures of a project, the pressure from family to do something “safer”, the hours missed with family. However, this is indeed a blessing in disguise. As Ritesh Agarwal rightly said, if I knew the real side of entrepreneurship, I’d have never gotten into this.

Now, lets face the real question. Is entrepreneurship for you? I’d say all the skills regarding entrepreneurship can easily be learned through perseverance but the actual quality of perseverance can not be taught anywhere for it comes from within. Other things include, a very high stress tolerance, being ready to sacrifice, working hard like animals etc. All this might sound very inspirational but trust me when you get nagged down from everyone about revenues or missing a trip with your girlfriend or working hard irrespective of how you feel. It becomes like torture. If you still choose entrepreneurship, I welcome you to the club.

The purpose of this blog isn’t to demotivate anyone, it focuses on making conscious decision which will have long term rewards and not some short term high.

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