I haven’t written any blogs for a while and I’ll talk about why and what’s going on in my head in later blogs but there’s something important.

Recently, there was a r*pe case in Kolkata and the details are available online so I won’t repeat them. It was monstrous and I really hope that justice is served quickly. It’s just so sad and outrageous to hear about such things happening in our country. I was so shocked to read just a few details that I lost my temper after a long time. God I wanted to serve justice to those who committed that inhumane crime with my own hands.


I want to touch a really important topic here. She was a doctor and it happened in her workplace. If we can’t provide safety to our ladies in their own workplace then we’re damned…

I even unblocked my ex because I don’t care about a few fights and a breakup but I thought as a guy I need to be available at least for the people I cared for . Now, I know she has her own life but I genuinely believe that in such a situation, a person like me who can fight without mercy and also use their brains to get out of the situation is required.

And after this incident I literally request every guy to hit the gym, learn how to fight, if you have an ex unblock her (don’t text her) and teach your children that r*pe is the greatest of sin in humankind so that the future generations understand the depth of this crime.

Also, let’s show massive support to her parents because they are suffering a lot right now.

I need every guy who’s reading this to download a SOS Alert app in their mom’s, sister’s and girlfriend’s phone. Don’t tell them. Take their phone and do it yourself it you can. DO IT NOW- no tomorrow, or no later. NOW.

Keep Growing.

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