Why should you always tip?

By tipping here, I mean to waiters, delivery boys or even giving some money to the needy. It doesn’t have to be too much. However, it is very important.

People who people in God and goodness can directly relate it. God watches you if you believe in him. Goodness will come back to you in some way or form. Good deeds are never gone to waste.

If you don’t believe in anything. I think you should start believing in something, not necessarily God or religion, something. Still, giving that few dollars or rupees to charity won’t hurt you but can be food for someone and make them smile.

I’m not a religious person but I do believe in creating a positive impact in the world and every action I take brings to closer to what my vision for the world is.

So please, rather than wasting that money. Give little bit to the needy. You’ll be blessed. Even if you are not, you’ll be content with these actions in and itself.

Thanks for reading.

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