I believe this is one of the most important blogs I’m writing. So I want everyone to read it carefully.

What is honour?

Living with honour doesn’t mean just being a “nice” person. NO! Not even close. If you truly want to live with honour it takes a lot more than just being a soft, compassionate, understanding person. It requires you to live at your upmost potential. Standing up as an leader and being able to handle difficult situations (not only handle but keep your composure). Not doing anything wrong that would be seen as cool or which requires you to sell your soul for being successful.

I’m not a soft person. I just don’t understand your sadness or lack of motivation. I’m not motivated to write blogs but I still do it. I hate working but I still do it everyday. People call me unsympathetic and even toxic sometimes. However, you have to be insane if you want to succeed in any field of life.

For me, honour is waking up everyday and try to create a genuine good impact in the world and my own life. To always be nice to people, give that 50 rupees to the poor, help that old lady cross the road. To never stab anyone who’s close to me in the back. To do what’s the right thing to do irrespective how I feel about it.

This does not mean you cannot have fun in your life. When I’m with my boys I’ve a lot of fun. There’s nothing wrong with it when you’ve earned it.

Its not that hard to be a man of honour. I do realize that in the modern generation its actually difficult for men to be genuinely masculine. I don’t mean for anyone to be “toxic” which is the extremist person of it. In reality that’s not even masculine. I’ll discuss that some other day.

In short, honour is being a genuine good person.

What is respect and how to get it?

Respect is when people acknowledge your presence and acknowledge that the person you are with the underlying characteristics is a person of substance and esteem.

Everyone wants to be respected but not everyone is. Why is that?

Because in reality there’s no hack to be respected. I mean you can try all the tips and tricks and game bullshit but people can and will know what you are underneath. If you are person who lies or is not true to his own soul, you’ll never be respected. I never ever talk bad about anyone behind their back (leaving when I was a child and sometimes if I joked about it). Anyone who knows me as of now, knows I always say good about people because honestly most of the time I don’t care.

Anyways, who do you think people for instance respect me? There’s this irony that people sometimes hate me but they still respect me.

This is because respect is something that is partly forced and most of it is earned. My actions through years of work and hard times and stress and trauma have made me into this person who I try to improve every single day. I’m not saying that I’m the best. No there are better people. But there are genuinely very few teenagers who are close to me or like me.

One thing that I’ve learned is that at first I used to answer disrespect with disrespect. There are always going to be people who don’t know you and they’ll disrespect you. Past me, would argue and fight to prove that I’m the better person. Nowadays, I just leave them with their loud mouths because my actions will shape the course of history not their words.

This is also one of the reasons I promote fitness so much. None of those guys or girls can say that to my face because I’ve big strong arms which they know if they mess in person can obliterate them. That’s why people mostly hate me online and that’s ok. I’m telling you all this because you’re also going to face it when you start your own journey of actually changing your life.

Thanks for reading.

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