If you don’t know what to do currently in life and you want to get into self improvement. The very first thing I’d suggest is to take my course. No just kidding. Get in shape.

Going to the gym and working out not only releases endorphins which make you feel “good” about yourself but it also helps in almost every area of your life. Andrew Tate is so right when he says that when a guy comes to sell me anything I’d be more likely to purchase the product if he’s in shape than if he’s obese.

There are of course countless health benefits and the fact that when you yourself look good in the mirror you’d “feel” confident naturally but as I said before there are many more advantages to being in great shape other than just the things you already know.

Now there’s this psychological effect that exists regarding a person’s physicality. That is when we see a person in good body shape we sub consciously assume that they will be good in other pursuits of life. Although this might not be the case necessarily but this effect is very much real and not only translates to fitness but every part of our life.

I’m going to include fitness into my self improvement course (soon to be launched) and it will be a major part of the course. So do subscribe to the email list on the front page to be notified when it launches.

Thanks for reading.

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