coca cola soda can

Obviously I’m not telling you to drink soda everyday.

So what am I talking about here?

The point isn’t to drink soda everyday but to try to do something you like everyday which isn’t destructive and too much time consuming of course.

There are nights were I just drink coke, do my pushups bam, bam, bam and work. Its fun.

People can say its unhealthy or inefficient but I don’t care. If you can associate work with a bit of fun, it will help in the long run. Of course, the work comes first but little bit of playing chess by the side, reading something, listening to some podcast side by side or anything which isn’t destructive isn’t necessarily bad.

You might have noticed that I’m not telling you to indulge into anything destructive. If you are on the journey of climbing that ladder for success, you are not quite interested by anything else. Therefore, whatever I told you isn’t bad for you to do in breaks or even while working on something that does not require your 100% attention.

As always, stay on the grind but also try to include other activities like gym, books, podcasts, blogs, anything of that sort.

Thanks for reading.

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