I see this so much around right now. I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but this is ruining your life. Stop chasing people. I’m not stopping anyone from loving or nurturing meaningful relationships. All these youtube channels that tell you how to get dates, unsubscribe them right now. I seriously don’t understand what we are doing as a generation and I’m so very proud of myself in not being a part in this bullshit. Why do you have to talk to multiple guys or girls whom you’re interested at the same time. Not only that’s immoral but you are wasting your fucking time. I seriously beg you to take your mind off these things. There’s so much more to life. Let’s make it cool again to reply when you’re free (most of you are all day) rather than ignore someone so that they will like you more or some stupid psychological trick. Let’s make it cool to have one meaningful relationship with only one person for the rest of our lives. How can you go around talking to 20 people and approaching them for their number and all that shit when your parents are still working? Don’t you have any respect for them at least? See… I’m not telling you to stop this but most people’s lives at least “Gen Z” revolves around how can I dress in some x way so that the opposite gender finds me the most attractive. You can dress well when you’ve earned it from your own money. You call this your “fun” years, you can have all your fun when guys like me are changing the world for good. This is not love, this is just a desire that’s getting out of control. I know this will probably get worse in the following years but from today, anyone who thinks that I’m talking sense should work towards change. Trust me, everything’s so much better with just one special person. You can spend your time in much more productive way, and then when you finally meet them its better than dating 100 random people.

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