I read a very interesting post from Alex Hormozi (though it was originally said by Garry). It said that you’re your own niche. I was really amazed by this because everyone in the business world tells you to pick up the niche and focus on that. However, I never really liked this idea of just doing one thing for your entire life. Maybe because I know I was destined for more

How to become your own niche-

Every influencer you know (not the tik tok girls) are their own niche in itself. They are their own brand. Now, my brand is teenager, entrepreneur, self improvement, blogger, fitness etc. Your brand can be anything. It’s who you are. Though, not what you feel you are that day. The things I mentioned above are the things I do every single day. I say it almost all blogs but you need to work to create your own niche.

I’m not saying the idea of just sticking to one niche is bad. It can work miracles for some people in the business space. But I believe your life should constitute more than just business. You can take segmentize, this website and everything away from me. I’ll just start building something else. How? Because I’ve the knowledge, confidence and physicality to do so.

For instance, if you’re just starting with no team, no experience and less money. I’d say its better to focus everything on 1 or max 2 things. Then expand.

I’m going to write a really important blog on visualizing yourself soon so stay tuned for that.

Thanks for reading.

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