I read a very interesting post from Alex Hormozi (though it was originally said by Garry). […]
People like me, people who have high ambitions and who work hard towards their goals always […]
This is an actually a formula for companies that I posted first on Metabasket’s blog (my […]
If you don’t know what to do currently in life and you want to get into […]
I believe this is one of the most important blogs I’m writing. So I want everyone […]
Well you should be a gentleman all the time but I recently heard that one of […]
Everyone reading this, I’d like to announce that I’m back. I was suffering from dengue these […]
I believe that AI Software as a Service is the biggest opportunity of this decade and […]
Discipline is doing what we hate doing but doing as if you love doing it. Alright, […]
I’d like to announce that segmentize’s finetuned model is ready and will be launched soon but […]